Stahl-Beton / Zertifizierungen


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Page 1/2: Sliding Test Certificate (Push-Out)

Page 3: Traction Test on Hexagon. Breaking 593 MPa.



The experimental study on Al-fer dry connectors was carried out at the Department of Construction and Transport of the University of Padua, with the aim of evaluating the effectiveness of the mechanical behaviour of mixed concrete-steel floors. Push-Out tests were carried out on a thin slab with the “AL-FER Steel Dry Connector”.

The test samples prepared according to UNI EN1994-11: 2005 are representative of the most frequent real situations in the context of reinforcement and connection of mixed steel-concrete.

The execution of these tests gave amazing experimental results with final breaking values ​​higher than the preliminary analytical studies.

These tests made it possible to identify the characteristic parameters, both of resistance and of deformability, for the design of the reinforcement intervention on existing and newly built floors. In the software available to designers, precautionary values ​​lower than the experimental results are used.

Test Report


The report contains the analytical analysis for the estimation of the loads with which to perform the test, the experimental activity carried out is described and on the basis of the results obtained, the Characteristic and Design Values ​​that can be used in the calculation of the steel-concrete collaborating structure are obtained. The execution of the test and the determination of the results were carried out in accordance with the requirements of the UNI EN 1994-1-1: 2005 standard. Download the full report.