Steel-Concrete / Technical Specification

Steel-Concrete Al-Fer Dry Connector


Data Sheet


Produts Sheet


Data Sheet


Produts Sheet

Technical Description

Connector Composition

The self-tapping Al-Fer dry connector consists of a single metal pin obtained from a Ø 17 hexagonal bar of high-strength steel (above 800 MPa), suitably machined in the lower part with a special self-tapping thread for mechanical anchoring on the wing to the extrados of the metal profile and shaped in the upper part for anchoring in the concrete.

The connector is available in different lengths to adapt to the most varied needs, in the case of reinforcement of floors with a new collaborating concrete hood, a 40 mm head is usually used, while in the case of mixed steel-concrete structures with corrugated sheet metal, elongated connectors are used depending on the height of the gills so that the peg comes out of them by at least 2 cm as required by law.

Ideally, it can be divided into two parts:

The Thread

The type of thread is equivalent to that of a M12 – 14.0 hexagonal nut according to the designation provided by UNI EN 14399 with a Ø 12 nominal diameter and a net area of 84.3 mm2. The particular diagonal groove makes sure that it acts as a male in the initial screwing phase and creates a tail stock inside the hole, thus ensuring a perfect mechanical connection with the profile itself.

Flooring Blocks

As for traditional construction, we find examples of steel floors and arches consisting of metal profiles on which very low arches are set, made with solid or perforated bricks.This type is generally used for cellars, stables, warehouses.

Corrugated Sheet

The AL-FER connector for steel can be used in the recovery of traditional floors or in newly built structures both residential and industrial where it has extensive use of corrugated sheet. In these cases, a variable height connector is available that best suits the various types of construction.